
The Planning Act now requires that municipal planning authorities conduct pre-consultation meetings with landowners, prior to applications being filed. The format of the pre-consultation meeting will vary with the municipality involved, but all are intended to provide you with a clear understanding of what is required to file a complete application. In our opinion, it is best if you can retain a planning consultant to attend the meeting with you. Although, you can expect to receive Minutes of the Meeting in the weeks following the meeting, the details of what is said and the implications for your project may not be entirely clear to you. A planner is there to help you make sense of the technical information provided to you and to ask for clarification where necessary.

Many municipalities will require you to submit a report prepared by a professional planner in support of your application.  Engaging a planner early in the process will ensure that the report reflects your intentions and properly addresses the municipality’s requirements. It will be money well spent. EcoVue’s planners regularly attend pre-consultation meetings on behalf of our clients and can provide you with cost-effective, expert representation. We are here to help.